Population and Households (2021) — Peterborough (CY)

  Total1  Owners Renters Ownership rate (%)
  # % # % # %
Age of population
Total population 81,600 100.0
0 to 14 years 11,960 14.7
15 to 24 years 10,070 12.3
25 to 34 years 11,510 14.1
35 to 44 years 9,590 11.8
45 to 54 years 8,930 10.9
55 to 64 years 10,905 13.4
65 years and over 18,645 22.8
65 to 74 years 10,365 12.7
75 to 84 years 5,945 7.3
85 years and over 2,335 2.9          
Age of primary household maintainer2
All private households 35,980 100.0 21,370 100.0 14,605 100.0 59.4
15 to 24 years 1,495 4.2 195 0.9 1,305 8.9 13.0
25 to 34 years 5,120 14.2 1,875 8.8 3,240 22.2 36.6
35 to 44 years 5,245 14.6 2,965 13.9 2,280 15.6 56.5
45 to 54 years 5,140 14.3 3,370 15.8 1,775 12.2 65.6
55 to 64 years 6,605 18.4 4,425 20.7 2,180 14.9 67.0
65 years and over 12,375 34.4 8,545 40.0 3,830 26.2 69.1
65 to 74 years 6,525 18.1 4,580 21.4 1,945 13.3 70.2
75 to 84 years 4,050 11.3 2,800 13.1 1,245 8.5 69.1
85 years and over 1,805 5.0 1,165 5.5 640 4.4 64.5
Mobility of primary household maintainer2 (5 years)
Primary household maintainers who moved in the previous 5 years 13,765 100.0 5,340 100.0 8,430 100.0 38.8
15 to 24 years 1,405 10.2 165 3.1 1,235 14.7 11.7
25 to 34 years 3,785 27.5 1,270 23.8 2,515 29.9 33.6
35 to 44 years 2,425 17.6 1,095 20.5 1,335 15.8 45.2
45 to 54 years 1,645 12.0 800 15.0 845 10.0 48.6
55 to 64 years 1,845 13.4 800 15.0 1,045 12.4 43.4
65 years and over 2,655 19.3 1,205 22.6 1,450 17.2 45.4
65 to 74 years 1,525 11.1 740 13.9 785 9.3 48.5
75 to 84 years 865 6.3 395 7.4 475 5.6 45.7
85 years and over 260 1.9 65 1.2 190 2.3 25.0
Mobility of primary household maintainer2 (1 year)
Primary household maintainers who moved in the previous year 4,055 100.0 1,190 100.0 2,865 100.0 29.3
15 to 24 years 745 18.3 70 5.9 675 23.6 9.4
25 to 34 years 1,245 30.7 345 29.2 895 31.2 27.7
35 to 44 years 605 14.9 230 19.5 370 12.9 38.0
45 to 54 years 465 11.5 205 17.4 260 9.1 44.1
55 to 64 years 445 11.0 145 12.3 295 10.3 32.6
65 years and over 555 13.7 185 15.7 370 12.9 33.3
65 to 74 years 285 7.0 105 8.9 185 6.5 36.8
75 to 84 years 215 5.3 75 6.4 135 4.7 34.9
85 years and over 50 1.2 0 0.0 50 1.7 0.0
Household Type3
All private households 35,980 100.0 21,370 100.0 14,605 100.0 59.4
Couple family household with children  7,560 21.0 5,960 27.9 1,595 10.9 78.8
Couple family household without children 9,605 26.7 7,095 33.2 2,505 17.2 73.9
Senior-led (65 or older) couple family household without children 4,870 13.5 4,045 18.9 825 5.6 83.1
Lone-parent family household 4,355 12.1 2,025 9.5 2,325 15.9 46.5
Female lone-parent family household 3,625 10.1 1,680 7.9 1,940 13.3 46.3
Male lone-parent family household 730 2.0 340 1.6 390 2.7 46.6
Multiple-family household 495 1.4 380 1.8 115 0.8 76.8
One-person household 11,705 32.5 5,195 24.3 6,510 44.6 44.4
Female one-person households 7,180 20.0 3,370 15.8 3,815 26.1 46.9
Senior (65 or older) female living alone 3,915 10.9 2,125 9.9 1,790 12.3 54.3
Male one-person household 4,525 12.6 1,825 8.5 2,695 18.5 40.3
Senior (65 or older) male living alone 1,600 4.4 840 3.9 765 5.2 52.5
Other non-family household 2,260 6.3 710 3.3 1,550 10.6 31.4
Household size
All private households 35,980 100.0 21,370 100.0 14,605 100.0 59.4
One-person household 11,705 32.5 5,195 24.3 6,510 44.6 44.4
Two-person household 12,755 35.5 8,370 39.2 4,380 30.0 65.6
Three-person household 5,155 14.3 3,375 15.8 1,785 12.2 65.5
Four-person household 4,030 11.2 2,950 13.8 1,085 7.4 73.2
Five-or-more-person household 2,335 6.5 1,495 7.0 845 5.8 64.0
Average household size 2.3 2.4 2.0
Immigrant households4
All private households 35,980 100.0 21,370 100.0 14,605 100.0 59.4
Non-immigrant 31,515 87.6 18,525 86.7 12,990 88.9 58.8
Non-permanent resident5 430 1.2 55 0.3 385 2.6 12.8
Immigrant 4,030 11.2 2,795 13.1 1,240 8.5 69.4
Landed before 2006 3,290 9.1 2,410 11.3 885 6.1 73.3
Landed 2006 to 2015 450 1.3 285 1.3 165 1.1 63.3
Recent immigrants (landed 2016-2021)6 290 0.8 105 0.5 190 1.3 36.2
Households with seniors
All private households 35,980 100.0 21,370 100.0 14,605 100.0 59.4
Household has at least one senior (65 or older) 13,485 37.5 9,445 44.2 4,040 27.7 70.0
Other household type 22,495 62.5 11,925 55.8 10,570 72.4 53.0
Households with children under 18
All private households 35,980 100.0 21,370 100.0 14,605 100.0 59.4
Household has at least one child less than 18 years old 7,910 22.0 5,025 23.5 2,885 19.8 63.5
Other household type 28,070 78.0 16,350 76.5 11,720 80.2 58.2
Activity limitations7
All private households 35,980 100.0 21,370 100.0 14,605 100.0 59.4
Household has at least one person with activity limitations 24,045 66.8 13,540 63.4 10,505 71.9 56.3
All other households 11,935 33.2 7,830 36.6 4,105 28.1 65.6
Aboriginal households8
All private households 35,980 100.0 21,370 100.0 14,605 100.0 59.4
Aboriginal households 2,140 5.9 830 3.9 1,310 9.0 38.8
Non-Aboriginal households 33,840 94.1 20,540 96.1 13,295 91.0 60.7
Private households with mortgage status known9 21,370 100.0 21,370 100.0  
With a mortgage 11,795 55.2 11,795 55.2  
Without mortgage 9,580 44.8 9,580 44.8      
Household Income
All private households 35,980 100.0 21,370 100.0 14,605 100.0 59.4
Less than $20,000 before taxes 1,950 5.4 410 1.9 1,540 10.5 21.0
$20,000 to $39,999 before taxes 6,580 18.3 2,155 10.1 4,425 30.3 32.8
$40,000 to $59,999 before taxes 6,085 16.9 2,905 13.6 3,180 21.8 47.7
$60,000 to $79,999 before taxes 5,635 15.7 3,210 15.0 2,420 16.6 57.0
$80,000 to $99,999 before taxes 4,370 12.1 2,910 13.6 1,460 10.0 66.6
$100,000 and over before taxes 11,360 31.6 9,785 45.8 1,580 10.8 86.1
Average household income before taxes ($) 87,800 109,400 56,250
Median household income before taxes ($) 72,000 93,000 48,000
Average household income after taxes ($) 75,500 92,000 51,400
Median household income after taxes ($) 64,500 82,000 44,800

Source: CMHC, adapted from Statistics Canada (Census of Canada and National Household Survey) (opens in new window)


1Where band housing is present, total dwelling counts are larger than the sum of owned and rented dwellings.
2The primary household maintainer is the person or one of the people in the household responsible for major household payments such as the rent or mortgage. In households with more than one maintainer, the primary maintainer is the first person listed as a maintainer.
3Family households include at least one census family (a couple with or without children or a lone-parent family). These households may include members who are not part of the census family.
4An immigrant household is a household with a primary household maintainer who is an immigrant. An immigrant is a person who is or has ever been a landed immigrant/permanent resident, that is, someone who has been granted the right to live permanently in Canada by immigration authorities.
5A non-permanent resident household is a household with a primary household maintainer who is a non-permanent resident. A non-permanent resident is a person from another country who has a work or study permit, or who is a refugee claimant, and any non-Canadian-born family member living in Canada with him or her.
6Recent immigrants are immigrants who landed in Canada between Jan 1, 2016 and May 10, 2021.
7Activity limitations refer to difficulties that people have in carrying out daily activities such as hearing, seeing, communicating, or walking. Difficulties could arise from physical or mental conditions or health problems.
8An Aboriginal household is one of the following: i) a non-family household in which at least 50 per cent of household members self-identified as Aboriginal people; or ii) a family household that meets at least one of two criteria: a) at least one spouse, common-law partner, or lone parent self-identified as an Aboriginal person; or b) at least 50 per cent of household members self-identified as Aboriginal people.
9Mortgage data exclude farm operators.