New Housing Construction
Absorbed Units (Homeowner + Condo)


  1. Dwelling Types
  2. Intended Markets


  1. Census Metropolitan Areas
  2. Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations with at least 50,000 people

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  1. Provinces
  2. Centres
  3. Historical Time Periods


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Canada — Absorbed Homeowner and Condominium Units by Dwelling Type by Provinces (In Census Metropolitan Areas)

  Single Semi-Detached Row Apartment All
Canada 3,344 677 1,638 4,635 10,294
Newfoundland and Labrador 100 16 0 0 116
Nova Scotia 49 6 6 0 61
New Brunswick 32 4 37 4 77
Quebec 334 169 80 310 893
Ontario 1,073 100 927 3,079 5,179
Manitoba 182 28 26 13 249
Saskatchewan 124 19 21 1 165
Alberta 1,112 250 296 537 2,195
British Columbia 338 85 245 691 1,359