New Housing Construction
Inventory of Completed and Unabsorbed Units (Homeowner + Condo)


  1. Dwelling Types
  2. Intended Markets


  1. Census Metropolitan Areas
  2. Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations with at least 50,000 people

Display Options:

  1. Provinces
  2. Centres
  3. Historical Time Periods


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Canada — Inventory of Completed and Unabsorbed Homeowner and Condominium Units by Dwelling Type by Provinces (In Census Metropolitan Areas)

  Single Semi-Detached Row Apartment All
Canada 4,511 1,294 1,854 3,370 11,029
Newfoundland and Labrador 144 7 0 0 151
Nova Scotia 43 4 6 7 60
New Brunswick 21 5 17 0 43
Quebec 272 283 242 1,046 1,843
Ontario 1,397 159 388 73 2,017
Manitoba 291 107 47 14 459
Saskatchewan 124 27 34 18 203
Alberta 1,535 332 509 520 2,896
British Columbia 684 370 611 1,692 3,357