New Housing Construction
Starts (Actual)

Canada — Starts by Dwelling Type (in Census Metropolitan Areas, Census Agglomerations, and other selected municipalities with at least 10,000 people)

  Single Semi-Detached Row Apartment Total
Canada 4,347 916 2,207 15,102 22,572
Newfoundland and Labrador 83 14 0 10 107
Prince Edward Island 46 22 17 112 197
Nova Scotia 211 17 72 229 529
New Brunswick 151 33 53 131 368
Quebec 450 136 49 2,330 2,965
Ontario 1,269 109 1,090 6,499 8,967
Manitoba 152 59 98 331 640
Saskatchewan 120 24 77 384 605
Alberta 1,469 386 481 2,016 4,352
British Columbia 396 116 270 3,060 3,842