Population, Households and Housing Stock
Aboriginal Households


  1. Number
  2. Percentage

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Canada — Aboriginal Households

  Aboriginal Households Non-Aboriginal Households Total
Canada 869,615 14,109,325 14,978,940
Newfoundland and Labrador 24,885 198,365 223,255
Prince Edward Island 1,915 62,650 64,570
Nova Scotia 28,885 399,345 428,225
New Brunswick 18,295 319,350 337,650
Quebec 110,820 3,638,220 3,749,035
Ontario 215,280 5,275,915 5,491,200
Manitoba 96,665 421,390 518,055
Saskatchewan 73,655 375,925 449,580
Alberta 133,905 1,499,320 1,633,220
British Columbia 145,205 1,896,635 2,041,835
Yukon Territories 4,475 12,705 17,180
Northwest Territories 7,790 7,420 15,205
Nunavut 7,835 2,090 9,930
  • Where band housing is present, total dwelling counts are larger than the sum of owned and rented dwellings.
  • An Aboriginal household is one of the following: i) a non-family household in which at least 50 per cent of household members self-identified as Aboriginal people; or ii) a family household that meets at least one of two criteria: a) at least one spouse, common-law partner, or lone parent self-identified as an Aboriginal person; or b) at least 50 per cent of household members self-identified as Aboriginal people.