Population, Households and Housing Stock
Household Size


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  2. Percentage

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Canada — Household Size

  One-Person Household Two-Person Household Three-Person Household Four-Person Household Five-Or-More-Person Household Total
Canada 4,394,495 5,124,900 2,194,630 2,003,150 1,261,765 14,978,940
Newfoundland and Labrador 62,255 90,930 35,085 25,545 9,445 223,255
Prince Edward Island 18,615 24,475 9,470 7,620 4,390 64,570
Nova Scotia 131,820 166,480 61,700 45,720 22,505 428,225
New Brunswick 100,470 133,160 49,340 37,160 17,525 337,650
Quebec 1,317,070 1,295,525 480,050 427,885 228,500 3,749,035
Ontario 1,451,915 1,798,165 872,505 825,740 542,880 5,491,200
Manitoba 146,310 173,950 74,645 69,375 53,780 518,055
Saskatchewan 129,940 158,745 60,160 57,805 42,935 449,580
Alberta 424,115 551,335 248,990 243,565 165,215 1,633,220
British Columbia 600,420 719,940 296,210 256,850 168,410 2,041,835
Yukon Territories 5,620 5,790 2,500 2,100 1,170 17,180
Northwest Territories 3,985 4,485 2,560 2,400 1,775 15,205
Nunavut 1,955 1,915 1,415 1,400 3,245 9,930
  • Where band housing is present, total dwelling counts are larger than the sum of owned and rented dwellings.