Population, Households and Housing Stock
Housing Suitability


  1. Number
  2. Percentage

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Canada — Housing Suitability

  Suitable Not Suitable (Crowded) Total
Canada 14,173,295 805,645 14,978,940
Newfoundland and Labrador 219,405 3,850 223,255
Prince Edward Island 62,550 2,020 64,570
Nova Scotia 413,015 15,210 428,225
New Brunswick 328,595 9,055 337,650
Quebec 3,606,260 142,775 3,749,035
Ontario 5,122,185 369,015 5,491,200
Manitoba 481,860 36,195 518,055
Saskatchewan 426,835 22,745 449,580
Alberta 1,556,960 76,260 1,633,220
British Columbia 1,919,135 122,695 2,041,835
Yukon Territories 16,260 920 17,180
Northwest Territories 13,615 1,595 15,205
Nunavut 6,615 3,310 9,930
  • Where band housing is present, total dwelling counts are larger than the sum of owned and rented dwellings.
  • Suitable dwellings have enough bedrooms for the size and make-up of resident households.