Population, Households and Housing Stock


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Canada — Mortgages

  With a Mortgage Without a Mortgage Total Private Households With Mortgage Status Known
Canada 5,893,925 3,953,045 9,846,970
Newfoundland and Labrador 79,920 89,005 168,925
Prince Edward Island 24,310 19,465 43,770
Nova Scotia 154,255 130,265 284,515
New Brunswick 134,055 111,540 245,595
Quebec 1,387,765 843,450 2,231,215
Ontario 2,220,205 1,504,485 3,724,690
Manitoba 207,370 133,635 341,000
Saskatchewan 172,925 126,455 299,390
Alberta 726,930 406,200 1,133,135
British Columbia 773,670 580,025 1,353,695
Yukon Territories 6,530 4,470 11,000
Northwest Territories 4,870 3,270 8,140
Nunavut 1,110 790 1,905
  • Mortgage data exclude farm operators.