Population, Households and Housing Stock
Value of Owner-occupied Dwellings ($)

Dwelling Value

  1. Average
  2. Median

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  2. Historical Time Periods


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Canada — Average Value of Owner-occupied Dwellings ($)

  Single-Detached Semi-Detached Row Duplex Low-Rise Apt. High-Rise Apt. Other Total
Canada 627,000 596,000 581,000 896,000 496,000 631,500 215,200 617,500
Newfoundland and Labrador 241,400 216,800 250,400 323,200 300,400 288,000 156,600 246,600
Prince Edward Island 322,000 328,000 326,000 356,000 364,000 ** 143,000 312,800
Nova Scotia 301,200 362,800 275,200 356,800 327,200 412,000 121,900 295,200
New Brunswick 213,400 203,000 213,000 222,000 223,400 221,000 102,800 207,600
Quebec 364,400 427,600 376,400 440,400 396,400 477,200 219,400 376,400
Ontario 846,000 678,000 780,000 924,000 743,000 625,500 389,600 806,000
Manitoba 350,800 274,800 301,600 319,200 243,400 270,800 146,600 337,600
Saskatchewan 334,000 290,000 314,000 367,200 250,400 290,800 140,800 324,000
Alberta 492,800 301,600 399,200 456,000 264,000 357,200 177,000 448,400
British Columbia 1,074,000 718,000 841,000 1,426,000 631,000 839,000 265,600 974,000
Yukon Territories 531,000 439,000 466,000 560,000 464,000 420,000 234,800 488,800
Northwest Territories 386,800 412,000 372,000 470,000 376,000 300,000 328,000 384,000
Nunavut 408,000 396,000 460,000 250,000 470,000 ** ** 410,800
  • Other dwellings comprise other single-attached houses, mobile homes, and other movable dwellings.
  • Low-rise refers to apartments in buildings with fewer than 5 storeys
  • High-rise refers to apartments in buildings with 5 or more storeys