Seniors' Rental Housing
Number of Units and Proportion (%) of Overall Universe for Bachelor Units and Private Rooms

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Canada — Seniors' Number of Units and Proportion of Overall Universe for Bachelor Units and Private Rooms where Meals are included in Rent by Provinces

  Vacancy Rate (%) Average Rent ($) Total Number of Spaces Proportion of Overall Universe
Canada 17.5 2,649 75,800 27.8
Newfoundland and Labrador 13.1 2,542 534 13.6
Prince Edward Island 5.4 3,481 623 43.6
Nova Scotia 7.4 3,165 472 25.0
New Brunswick 14.4 2,761 1,388 41.5
Quebec 15.0 1,819 30,358 23.2
Ontario 20.3 3,354 31,895 47.3
Manitoba 8.0 2,199 286 5.6
Saskatchewan 19.7 2,909 3,160 38.0
Alberta 28.6 2,855 2,682 16.2
British Columbia 11.5 2,785 4,403 13.2