Seniors' Rental Housing
Number of Units and Proportion (%) of Overall Universe for Bachelor Units and Private Rooms

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Calgary — Historical Seniors' Number of Units and Proportion of Overall Universe for Bachelor Units and Private Rooms where Meals are included in Rent

  Vacancy Rate (%) Average Rent ($) Total Number of Spaces Proportion of Overall Universe
2009 7.0 2,269 1,098 34.3
2010 8.5 2,296 1,055 32.4
2011 8.8 2,379 912 27.7
2012 6.6 2,435 921 28.1
2013 6.0 2,622 899 26.3
2014 5.8 2,789 918 26.6
2015 6.5 2,860 902 24.8
2016 13.2 2,767 1,111 27.6
2017 15.3 2,873 1,131 27.4
2018 21.1 3,121 1,272 26.9
2019 15.9 3,164 1,307 26.8
2020 15.1 3,196 1,593 30.1
2021 26.4 3,208 1,509 26.0