Seniors' Rental Housing
Universe and Number of Residents Living in Universe

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Kelowna — Historical Seniors' Universe and Number of Residents Living in Universe

  Total Number of Spaces Residences Residents
2009 2,089 22 2,178
2010 2,223 25 2,182
2011 2,256 26 2,279
2012 2,217 24 2,272
2013 2,227 25 2,211
2014 2,276 26 2,329
2015 2,376 27 2,478
2016 2,602 27 2,717
2017 2,609 27 2,753
2018 2,700 28 2,844
2019 2,603 26 2,757
2020 2,647 27 2,801
2021 2,631 26 2,605