Population, Households and Housing Stock
Age of Population


  1. Number
  2. Percentage

Age Range

  1. All Households
  2. 65 and over

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  1. Zone
  2. Neighbourhood
  3. Census Tract
  4. Historical Time Periods


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Toronto — Age of Population (All Age Groups)

  0 - 14 15 - 24 25 - 34 35 - 44 45 - 54 55 - 64 Total 65+ Total
Toronto 963,745 772,540 929,585 854,935 841,775 814,545 965,755 6,142,880
Toronto (Central) 20,820 35,425 91,950 44,675 28,615 27,415 33,515 282,410
Toronto (East) 21,865 11,925 18,845 23,020 20,100 17,935 19,545 133,245
Toronto (North) 20,330 15,540 26,820 22,570 20,670 18,620 27,180 151,730
Toronto (West) 30,840 22,170 61,795 48,110 33,685 28,855 34,425 259,880
Etobicoke (South) 16,025 10,160 21,660 19,890 16,185 16,555 19,730 120,210
Etobicoke (Central) 23,565 18,050 20,405 19,940 20,385 23,110 32,350 157,810
Etobicoke (North) 14,670 13,860 15,175 11,540 12,090 12,385 14,505 94,225
York 22,350 15,700 22,045 21,860 19,755 19,940 23,865 145,515
East York 20,715 12,480 15,020 17,815 16,645 15,245 17,545 115,465
Scarborough (Central) 33,785 27,155 30,635 28,370 28,820 31,055 34,630 214,445
Scarborough (North) 32,520 28,760 34,285 27,285 29,715 35,165 49,320 237,055
Scarborough (East) 27,405 22,955 24,615 21,005 21,855 24,000 30,505 172,345
North York (Southeast) 19,390 15,430 16,805 15,805 17,425 17,690 24,880 127,420
North York (Northeast) 21,655 19,785 34,165 25,305 22,165 21,485 32,805 177,365
North York (Southwest) 17,155 13,370 12,840 12,955 13,415 13,840 17,700 101,275
North York (N.Central) 15,205 13,770 18,315 16,600 15,945 15,490 20,850 116,165
North York (Northwest) 25,055 21,850 22,945 20,770 20,115 20,420 23,585 154,740
Mississauga (South) 20,380 15,600 16,070 17,040 18,600 20,540 25,195 133,415
Mississauga (Northwest) 34,435 30,440 26,645 26,725 30,800 31,180 30,395 210,620
Mississauga (Northeast) 54,420 50,050 57,315 47,315 48,595 51,610 59,485 368,790
Brampton (West) 68,660 56,045 59,800 55,310 46,985 41,190 43,580 371,560
Brampton (East) 48,965 43,325 42,710 38,430 37,080 31,930 36,155 278,600
Oakville 38,435 30,030 20,460 27,830 35,345 27,850 32,115 212,055
Caledon 13,150 10,970 8,570 9,790 11,655 10,685 11,265 76,090
Richmond Hill/Vaughan/King 88,085 73,800 63,975 69,020 86,935 78,270 89,350 549,450
Aurora, Newmkt, Whit-St. 49,145 33,315 32,240 39,005 40,780 41,420 43,015 278,915
Markham 53,850 40,885 42,850 43,275 48,465 46,945 60,975 337,250
Pickering/Ajax/Uxbridge 43,440 31,310 32,035 33,535 33,245 35,960 36,705 246,235
Milton/Halton Hills 42,680 24,800 22,160 31,660 29,310 21,235 21,910 193,760
Orangeville/Mono 7,210 4,500 4,895 5,335 5,435 5,570 6,110 39,060
Bradford/West Gwillimbury/New Tecumseth 17,555 9,075 11,550 13,155 10,955 10,950 12,560 85,795