Population, Households and Housing Stock
Age of Primary Household Maintainer


  1. Number
  2. Percentage

Age Range

  1. All Households
  2. 65 and over

Display Options:

  1. Zone
  2. Neighbourhood
  3. Census Tract
  4. Historical Time Periods


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Toronto — Age of Primary Household Maintainer (All Households)

  15 - 24 25 - 34 35 - 44 45 - 54 55 - 64 Total 65+ Total
Toronto 46,980 311,125 417,780 459,580 463,850 563,165 2,262,475
Toronto (Central) 15,465 56,600 29,995 19,635 19,400 24,440 165,540
Toronto (East) 725 8,500 12,675 11,825 11,380 13,355 58,465
Toronto (North) 1,740 14,275 13,525 12,915 12,170 18,920 73,545
Toronto (West) 3,140 32,280 28,075 20,310 17,945 22,950 124,705
Etobicoke (South) 995 10,395 11,265 9,780 10,540 13,145 56,120
Etobicoke (Central) 560 6,285 9,790 11,305 13,395 20,765 62,110
Etobicoke (North) 605 3,345 5,180 6,205 7,070 8,420 30,825
York 920 8,145 11,380 11,435 12,140 15,985 60,010
East York 600 5,300 9,350 9,675 9,590 11,775 46,295
Scarborough (Central) 1,410 8,345 13,550 16,115 18,345 21,945 79,710
Scarborough (North) 1,180 7,025 10,835 14,535 18,665 27,240 79,490
Scarborough (East) 870 5,755 9,570 11,625 13,670 18,335 59,830
North York (Southeast) 575 5,305 7,975 10,020 10,605 16,050 50,535
North York (Northeast) 2,570 13,770 13,135 12,530 12,275 20,130 74,405
North York (Southwest) 460 4,090 6,565 7,390 8,255 11,685 38,445
North York (N.Central) 1,225 6,475 8,040 8,685 8,745 13,560 46,735
North York (Northwest) 1,305 6,325 9,670 10,795 11,545 14,505 54,140
Mississauga (South) 520 4,895 8,125 10,200 11,860 15,665 51,265
Mississauga (Northwest) 575 5,355 11,640 16,060 17,720 16,370 67,720
Mississauga (Northeast) 2,505 14,495 21,110 25,340 28,680 33,460 125,595
Brampton (West) 2,370 13,820 24,335 24,740 21,840 20,275 107,385
Brampton (East) 1,185 7,720 15,755 18,965 16,425 15,040 75,090
Oakville 695 5,795 13,365 19,350 15,745 18,605 73,555
Caledon 105 1,820 4,265 6,090 5,645 5,775 23,700
Richmond Hill/Vaughan/King 1,690 15,215 30,955 44,710 42,385 47,250 182,200
Aurora, Newmkt, Whit-St. 515 9,440 18,735 22,000 22,835 24,440 97,970
Markham 1,490 10,965 18,850 24,750 24,340 30,470 110,870
Pickering/Ajax/Uxbridge 395 7,505 15,510 17,610 19,740 20,165 80,925
Milton/Halton Hills 255 6,480 15,565 16,115 11,760 11,690 61,860
Orangeville/Mono 120 1,650 2,625 2,985 3,185 3,625 14,190
Bradford/West Gwillimbury/New Tecumseth 210 3,740 6,380 5,875 5,945 7,120 29,270
  • Where band housing is present, total dwelling counts are larger than the sum of owned and rented dwellings.
  • The primary household maintainer is the person or one of the people in the household responsible for major household payments such as the rent or mortgage. In households with more than one maintainer, the primary maintainer is the first person listed as a maintainer.