Population, Households and Housing Stock


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Toronto — Mortgages

  With a Mortgage Without a Mortgage Total Private Households With Mortgage Status Known
Toronto 908,175 563,705 1,471,880
Toronto (Central) 36,050 22,405 58,450
Toronto (East) 20,925 12,960 33,890
Toronto (North) 15,405 16,285 31,695
Toronto (West) 35,965 22,525 58,490
Etobicoke (South) 20,080 12,890 32,970
Etobicoke (Central) 18,570 19,865 38,435
Etobicoke (North) 10,635 6,625 17,260
York 16,585 12,615 29,200
East York 12,550 9,665 22,210
Scarborough (Central) 26,755 18,105 44,865
Scarborough (North) 32,075 25,460 57,535
Scarborough (East) 22,610 15,290 37,900
North York (Southeast) 12,570 13,370 25,940
North York (Northeast) 23,095 20,130 43,225
North York (Southwest) 9,420 10,730 20,150
North York (N.Central) 13,165 10,945 24,105
North York (Northwest) 14,650 11,950 26,605
Mississauga (South) 18,045 15,625 33,670
Mississauga (Northwest) 34,010 19,145 53,160
Mississauga (Northeast) 51,855 33,545 85,390
Brampton (West) 63,985 18,350 82,335
Brampton (East) 45,955 14,180 60,135
Oakville 34,845 22,180 57,025
Caledon 13,445 7,575 21,020
Richmond Hill/Vaughan/King 90,715 60,550 151,270
Aurora, Newmkt, Whit-St. 51,880 27,385 79,265
Markham 53,260 37,275 90,535
Pickering/Ajax/Uxbridge 46,640 21,300 67,945
Milton/Halton Hills 37,995 13,565 51,560
Orangeville/Mono 7,680 3,610 11,295
Bradford/West Gwillimbury/New Tecumseth 16,760 7,600 24,365
  • Mortgage data exclude farm operators.