Population, Households and Housing Stock
Value of Owner-occupied Dwellings ($)

Dwelling Value

  1. Average
  2. Median

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Toronto — Average Value of Owner-occupied Dwellings ($)

  Single-Detached Semi-Detached Row Duplex Low-Rise Apt. High-Rise Apt. Other Total
Toronto 1,336,000 839,000 967,000 1,158,000 960,000 665,000 1,033,000 1,112,000
Toronto (Central) 3,608,000 1,494,000 2,014,000 2,010,000 1,456,000 883,000 1,520,000 1,119,000
Toronto (East) 1,608,000 1,178,000 1,201,000 1,414,000 1,171,000 796,000 1,050,000 1,282,000
Toronto (North) 2,736,000 1,848,000 1,646,000 2,260,000 1,502,000 983,000 ** 1,986,000
Toronto (West) 1,656,000 1,141,000 1,227,000 1,468,000 1,260,000 709,000 1,372,000 1,183,000
Etobicoke (South) 1,330,000 1,063,000 1,002,000 1,248,000 985,000 685,000 1,200,000 1,047,000
Etobicoke (Central) 1,548,000 822,000 881,000 1,202,000 916,000 585,000 1,300,000 1,215,000
Etobicoke (North) 924,000 663,000 790,000 948,000 824,000 458,000 ** 801,000
York 1,183,000 788,000 962,000 1,029,000 921,000 574,000 1,000,000 1,026,000
East York 1,494,000 964,000 1,104,000 1,148,000 980,000 522,500 960,000 1,265,000
Scarborough (Central) 1,012,000 738,000 823,000 957,000 740,000 469,200 820,000 869,000
Scarborough (North) 1,025,000 678,000 802,000 937,000 733,000 480,800 840,000 811,000
Scarborough (East) 1,015,000 663,000 775,000 962,000 660,000 462,800 880,000 877,000
North York (Southeast) 2,716,000 1,004,000 968,000 1,600,000 720,000 645,000 1,160,000 1,644,000
North York (Northeast) 1,824,000 851,000 956,000 1,664,000 857,000 654,000 950,000 1,079,000
North York (Southwest) 1,774,000 660,000 1,028,000 1,556,000 838,000 695,000 ** 1,444,000
North York (N.Central) 1,708,000 908,000 950,000 1,488,000 894,000 638,000 ** 1,185,000
North York (Northwest) 1,063,000 650,000 832,000 916,000 719,000 439,600 ** 814,000
Mississauga (South) 1,560,000 813,000 868,000 1,480,000 780,000 603,500 760,000 1,282,000
Mississauga (Northwest) 1,180,000 735,000 864,000 1,110,000 686,000 559,000 ** 991,000
Mississauga (Northeast) 1,154,000 740,000 861,000 1,072,000 715,000 528,500 368,000 892,000
Brampton (West) 1,048,000 746,000 832,000 953,000 767,000 501,600 640,000 949,000
Brampton (East) 1,142,000 708,000 844,000 1,011,000 677,000 474,800 850,000 992,000
Oakville 1,602,000 962,000 972,000 1,364,000 683,000 751,000 1,400,000 1,388,000
Caledon 1,275,000 831,000 914,000 1,300,000 860,000 640,000 ** 1,212,000
Richmond Hill/Vaughan/King 1,548,000 952,000 984,000 1,352,000 710,000 624,000 1,500,000 1,332,000
Aurora, Newmkt, Whit-St. 1,133,000 817,000 839,000 988,000 656,000 587,000 596,000 1,058,000
Markham 1,408,000 917,000 989,000 1,179,000 712,000 619,000 ** 1,208,000
Pickering/Ajax/Uxbridge 996,000 686,000 765,000 968,000 664,000 516,000 720,000 913,000
Milton/Halton Hills 1,122,000 771,000 847,000 892,000 667,000 556,000 720,000 1,013,000
Orangeville/Mono 955,000 602,000 612,000 780,000 648,000 510,000 ** 885,000
Bradford/West Gwillimbury/New Tecumseth 921,000 676,000 701,000 756,000 586,000 470,000 312,000 870,000
  • Other dwellings comprise other single-attached houses, mobile homes, and other movable dwellings.
  • Low-rise refers to apartments in buildings with fewer than 5 storeys
  • High-rise refers to apartments in buildings with 5 or more storeys