Seniors' Rental Housing
Universe of Standard Spaces

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Toronto — Historical Seniors' Universe of Standard Spaces By Bedroom Type

  Semi-Private / Ward / Bachelor/ Private 1 Bedroom + Total
2009 5,580 3,626 9,206
2010 5,047 3,009 8,056
2011 5,471 4,630 10,101
2012 5,972 5,130 11,102
2013 6,118 6,095 12,213
2014 5,671 6,147 11,818
2015 5,065 5,915 10,980
2016 5,796 6,985 12,781
2017 5,447 6,881 12,328
2018 5,111 7,155 12,266
2019 4,895 7,279 12,174
2020 6,288 7,892 14,180
2021 6,403 9,516 15,919