Population, Households and Housing Stock
Household Type


  1. Number
  2. Percentage

Household Type

  1. All Household Types
  2. Lone-Parent Households
  3. One-Person Households

Display Options:

  1. Metropolitan Major Area
  2. Historical Time Periods


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Nova Scotia — Household Type (All Household Types)

  Couple-With-Children Couple-Without-Children Total Lone- Parent Households Multiple- Family Total One- Person Households Other Non-Family Total
Nova Scotia 93,460 130,815 44,530 5,625 131,820 21,975 428,225
Cape Breton 8,140 11,665 6,865 750 14,430 1,950 43,800
Chester MD 945 1,875 440 50 1,590 130 5,025
Halifax 48,460 57,245 19,395 2,755 59,555 13,720 201,140
Kentville 2,605 3,815 1,310 145 3,605 465 11,935
Kings, Subd. A SC 2,335 3,330 870 110 2,505 310 9,460
Lunenburg MD 2,405 4,790 880 155 2,990 285 11,505
New Glasgow 3,165 4,590 1,955 175 5,145 455 15,480
Queens RGM 845 1,865 410 50 1,660 150 4,980
Truro 4,335 6,470 2,280 215 6,595 805 20,695
West Hants RM 1,985 2,880 840 115 2,330 230 8,375
  • Where band housing is present, total dwelling counts are larger than the sum of owned and rented dwellings.
  • Family households include at least one census family (a couple with or without children or a lone-parent family). These households may include members who are not part of the census family.