Seniors' Rental Housing
Universe, Number of Residents Living in Universe and Capture Rate (%)

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Nova Scotia — Historical Seniors' Universe, Number of Residents Living in Universe and Capture Rate (%)

As of January 2023, this data series is now archived, please use the dropdown above or the DISPLAY OPTIONS to select historical data
  Total Number of Spaces Residences Residents Capture Rate (%)
2009 598 19 554 0.8
2010 796 29 714 1.1
2011 1,447 47 1,431 2.1
2012 1,189 34 1,207 1.7
2013 1,325 33 1,338 1.9
2014 1,461 37 1,434 2.0
2015 1,443 38 1,439 1.9
2016 1,544 37 1,545 2.0
2017 1,688 42 ** **
2018 1,624 41 1,657 2.2
2019 1,586 38 1,502 1.9
2020 1,683 38 1,704 2.1
2021 1,883 41 1,879 2.1