New Housing Construction


  1. Dwelling Types
  2. Intended Markets


  1. All Areas
  2. Census Metropolitan Areas
  3. Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations with at least 50,000 people
  4. Census Metropolitan Areas, Census Agglomerations, and other, selected municipalities with at least 10,000 people

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Ontario — Completions by Dwelling Type (In Census Metropolitan Areas)

  Single Semi-Detached Row Apartment All
Ontario 1,069 108 971 4,967 7,115
Barrie 86 16 26 172 300
Belleville - Quinte West 16 0 4 0 20
Brantford 76 0 84 0 160
Greater Sudbury / Grand Sudbury 0 0 0 0 0
Guelph 3 0 0 0 3
Hamilton 23 14 39 24 100
Kingston 35 6 11 287 339
Kitchener - Cambridge - Waterloo 57 2 61 129 249
London 30 8 78 366 482
Oshawa 61 0 80 28 169
Ottawa 193 20 145 278 636
Peterborough 20 0 0 0 20
St. Catharines - Niagara 24 2 26 28 80
Thunder Bay 12 0 4 6 22
Toronto 388 18 407 3,632 4,445
Windsor 45 22 6 17 90