Population, Households and Housing Stock
Value of Owner-occupied Dwellings ($)

Dwelling Value

  1. Average
  2. Median

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Ontario — Average Value of Owner-occupied Dwellings ($)

  Single-Detached Semi-Detached Row Duplex Low-Rise Apt. High-Rise Apt. Other Total
Ontario 846,000 780,000 678,000 924,000 743,000 625,500 389,600 806,000
Barrie 790,000 583,000 543,500 715,000 464,000 519,000 540,000 746,000
Belleville - Quinte West 477,600 422,000 413,200 424,000 364,000 385,000 291,000 468,400
Bracebridge T 649,000 375,000 492,000 520,000 490,000 410,000 640,000 626,000
Brantford 682,000 507,200 493,200 576,000 453,000 392,000 450,000 649,000
Brighton MU 565,500 580,000 400,000 520,000 ** ** 220,000 558,500
Brock TP 696,000 460,000 490,000 500,000 450,000 ** ** 685,000
Brockville 386,800 281,000 311,000 300,000 218,000 468,000 152,000 372,000
Centre Wellington 826,000 660,000 586,000 740,000 524,000 390,000 224,000 783,000
Chatham-Kent 381,200 321,000 328,000 328,000 257,000 270,000 200,000 375,600
Cobourg 647,000 524,000 534,000 720,000 472,000 440,000 ** 616,500
Collingwood 833,000 696,000 668,000 720,000 627,000 480,000 ** 778,000
Cornwall 332,400 272,000 224,000 267,000 278,000 252,000 188,000 320,400
Elliot Lake 211,600 144,400 126,400 ** 100,000 ** ** 186,400
Erin T 1,110,000 680,000 ** 1,200,000 ** ** 385,000 1,086,000
Gravenhurst T 667,000 440,000 840,000 620,000 380,000 480,000 208,000 644,000
Greater Napanee T 477,200 450,000 308,000 ** 395,000 ** ** 470,800
Greater Sudbury / Grand Sudbury 388,400 299,600 269,000 332,000 350,000 360,000 165,000 377,600
Guelph 867,000 655,000 586,000 797,000 516,000 455,600 600,000 789,000
Haldimand County CY 640,000 528,000 438,000 470,000 440,000 ** 370,000 626,000
Hamilton 897,000 669,000 659,000 768,000 540,000 508,400 638,000 826,000
Hawkesbury 257,200 247,000 188,000 228,000 208,000 ** 240,000 245,200
Huntsville T 675,000 920,000 680,000 600,000 464,000 440,000 580,000 665,000
Ingersoll 530,000 392,000 360,000 560,000 440,000 320,000 ** 511,600
Kawartha Lakes 639,500 484,000 424,000 514,000 412,000 480,000 372,000 626,500
Kenora 344,800 280,000 360,000 296,000 385,000 450,000 100,000 340,400
Kincardine MU 574,000 410,000 368,000 ** 580,000 ** 540,000 561,000
Kingston 558,000 404,000 417,200 499,000 414,000 480,000 237,000 533,000
Kitchener - Cambridge - Waterloo 793,000 569,500 556,000 704,000 498,400 425,600 436,000 731,000
Lambton Shores MU 594,500 520,000 500,000 1,300,000 460,000 ** 220,000 586,500
London 624,500 416,000 455,200 525,500 420,800 369,600 285,000 586,000
Meaford MU 704,000 ** 420,000 800,000 460,000 ** ** 688,000
Midland 555,500 452,000 462,000 532,000 448,000 540,000 ** 544,000
Norfolk 580,000 456,000 445,000 516,000 468,000 375,000 212,000 567,500
North Bay 393,600 267,200 259,000 319,000 275,500 291,000 250,000 371,600
North Perth MU 591,500 490,000 452,000 560,000 370,000 ** 216,000 565,500
Orillia 602,500 480,000 516,000 586,000 470,000 675,000 186,000 582,000
Oshawa 835,000 596,000 628,000 732,000 546,000 504,000 550,000 788,000
Ottawa 738,000 591,500 504,800 710,000 475,600 424,000 315,500 654,000
Owen Sound 545,500 324,000 420,000 480,000 412,000 390,000 202,000 520,500
Pembroke 328,000 270,000 264,000 250,000 292,000 ** ** 324,000
Petawawa 385,600 410,000 312,000 ** 600,000 ** 360,000 384,000
Peterborough 629,000 466,000 513,500 542,000 441,000 510,000 452,000 614,500
Port Hope 683,000 544,000 584,000 680,000 660,000 440,000 ** 669,000
Prince Edward County CY 696,000 640,000 480,000 ** 660,000 ** 430,000 689,000
Sarnia 468,000 285,500 292,000 362,000 299,000 312,000 270,000 454,000
Saugeen Shores T 648,000 440,000 424,000 ** 440,000 ** 128,000 615,500
Sault Ste. Marie 294,000 194,000 292,000 218,000 250,000 262,000 118,000 285,200
Scugog TP 856,000 540,000 600,000 640,000 1,100,000 560,000 ** 848,000
South Dundas MU 362,800 268,000 170,000 ** ** ** 170,000 355,200
South Huron MU 474,400 380,000 392,000 ** 320,000 ** 260,000 463,200
St. Catharines - Niagara 642,000 473,200 542,500 529,500 470,000 395,600 446,000 616,000
Stratford 578,500 427,000 434,000 584,000 550,000 388,000 700,000 546,500
The Nation / La Nation M 451,600 464,000 460,000 320,000 290,000 ** 200,000 447,200
Thunder Bay 338,800 218,800 256,000 281,500 273,000 334,000 150,000 329,600
Tillsonburg 537,500 416,000 376,000 500,000 400,000 320,000 ** 521,500
Timmins 262,000 182,800 190,000 222,000 222,000 ** 119,000 252,000
Toronto 1,336,000 967,000 839,000 1,158,000 960,000 665,000 1,033,000 1,112,000
Trent Hills MU 527,500 ** 280,000 320,000 220,000 ** 260,000 520,000
Wasaga Beach 659,000 488,000 480,000 760,000 352,000 ** 440,000 634,500
West Grey MU 616,500 320,000 320,000 600,000 440,000 ** 400,000 606,000
West Nipissing / Nipissing Ouest M 320,400 250,000 ** 290,000 320,000 ** 156,000 316,400
Windsor 496,000 409,200 396,400 363,200 350,400 318,800 186,800 479,200
Woodstock 592,500 417,000 462,000 490,000 428,000 ** 380,000 563,000
  • Other dwellings comprise other single-attached houses, mobile homes, and other movable dwellings.
  • Low-rise refers to apartments in buildings with fewer than 5 storeys
  • High-rise refers to apartments in buildings with 5 or more storeys