Seniors' Rental Housing
Rental Housing Vacancy Rates (%)

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Ontario — Seniors' Rental Housing Vacancy Rates by Unit Type by Census Metropolitan Areas

  Standard Non-Standard Total
Ontario 19.6 10.8 19.1
Barrie 13.0 ** 12.7
Belleville 13.6 ** 13.5
Brantford 11.3 ** 10.7
Greater Sudbury / Grand Sudbury 10.4 - 10.4
Guelph 11.5 ** 10.0
Hamilton 15.3 6.3 14.5
Kingston 17.9 ** 17.8
Kitchener - Cambridge - Waterloo 21.0 7.8 20.2
London 20.2 ** 20.1
Oshawa 16.2 2.7 15.0
Ottawa 24.7 14.7 23.9
Peterborough 14.7 - 14.7
St. Catharines - Niagara 18.3 16.4 18.2
Thunder Bay 22.9 ** 23.0
Toronto 21.5 9.3 20.9
Windsor 23.3 ** 22.5