Seniors' Rental Housing
Universe, Number of Residents Living in Universe and Capture Rate (%)

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Ontario — Historical Seniors' Universe, Number of Residents Living in Universe and Capture Rate (%)

As of January 2023, this data series is now archived, please use the dropdown above or the DISPLAY OPTIONS to select historical data
  Total Number of Spaces Residences Residents Capture Rate (%)
2009 43,380 617 40,007 4.8
2010 46,514 635 41,546 4.8
2011 49,596 662 44,859 5.1
2012 51,316 671 47,245 5.2
2013 51,846 667 48,285 5.2
2014 53,099 677 49,512 5.2
2015 53,680 677 50,987 5.2
2016 56,301 694 54,280 5.4
2017 57,663 695 55,722 5.4
2018 61,163 721 59,351 5.5
2019 62,633 731 60,830 5.5
2020 65,049 747 62,410 5.5
2021 67,399 749 57,910 5.0