Population, Households and Housing Stock
Aboriginal Households


  1. Number
  2. Percentage

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Manitoba — Aboriginal Households

  Aboriginal Households Non-Aboriginal Households Total
Manitoba 96,665 421,390 518,055
Brandon 3,420 18,865 22,280
Hanover RM 545 4,600 5,140
Portage la Prairie 1,670 3,975 5,645
Selkirk CY 1,685 2,735 4,415
St. Andrews RM 865 3,540 4,405
Steinbach 765 6,070 6,835
Thompson 2,090 2,585 4,675
Winkler 455 10,910 11,360
Winnipeg 48,680 281,645 330,325
  • Where band housing is present, total dwelling counts are larger than the sum of owned and rented dwellings.
  • An Aboriginal household is one of the following: i) a non-family household in which at least 50 per cent of household members self-identified as Aboriginal people; or ii) a family household that meets at least one of two criteria: a) at least one spouse, common-law partner, or lone parent self-identified as an Aboriginal person; or b) at least 50 per cent of household members self-identified as Aboriginal people.