Population, Households and Housing Stock
Age of Primary Household Maintainer


  1. Number
  2. Percentage

Age Range

  1. All Households
  2. 65 and over

Display Options:

  1. Metropolitan Major Area
  2. Historical Time Periods


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Manitoba — Age of Primary Household Maintainer (All Households)

  15 - 24 25 - 34 35 - 44 45 - 54 55 - 64 Total 65+ Total
Manitoba 19,175 77,050 92,150 88,625 100,500 140,550 518,055
Brandon 1,355 3,925 4,445 3,485 3,755 5,310 22,280
Hanover RM 185 1,090 1,070 1,015 930 850 5,140
Portage la Prairie 230 880 870 915 1,040 1,715 5,645
Selkirk CY 135 600 635 650 835 1,565 4,415
St. Andrews RM 15 365 590 930 1,160 1,340 4,405
Steinbach 340 1,180 1,305 1,085 1,040 1,895 6,835
Thompson 275 1,060 910 920 845 665 4,675
Winkler 545 1,945 2,210 1,990 1,870 2,800 11,360
Winnipeg 12,000 49,640 61,475 57,970 63,450 85,785 330,325
  • Where band housing is present, total dwelling counts are larger than the sum of owned and rented dwellings.
  • The primary household maintainer is the person or one of the people in the household responsible for major household payments such as the rent or mortgage. In households with more than one maintainer, the primary maintainer is the first person listed as a maintainer.