Population, Households and Housing Stock
Immigrant Households


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Manitoba — Immigrant Households

  Non-Immigrant Non-Permanent Resident Immigrant Landed Before 2006 Landed 2006 to 2015 Recent Immigrants (Landed 2016-2021) Total
Manitoba 399,670 11,330 107,055 56,095 33,515 17,445 518,055
Brandon 18,230 435 3,620 1,025 1,800 800 22,280
Hanover RM 3,830 20 1,295 825 385 80 5,140
Portage la Prairie 5,055 65 515 180 190 150 5,645
Selkirk CY 4,060 20 335 220 55 60 4,415
St. Andrews RM 3,950 15 440 375 50 15 4,405
Steinbach 5,210 80 1,550 740 525 280 6,835
Thompson 3,825 85 765 315 255 200 4,675
Winkler 8,110 65 3,185 1,685 945 555 11,360
Winnipeg 233,585 10,060 86,685 45,495 27,050 14,140 330,325
  • Where band housing is present, total dwelling counts are larger than the sum of owned and rented dwellings.
  • An immigrant household is a household with a primary household maintainer who is an immigrant. An immigrant is a person who is or has ever been a landed immigrant/permanent resident, that is, someone who has been granted the right to live permanently in Canada by immigration authorities.
  • A non-permanent resident is a person from another country who has a work or study permit, or who is a refugee claimant, and any non-Canadian-born family member living in Canada with him or her.
  • Recent immigrants are immigrants who landed in Canada between Jan 1, 2016 and May 10, 2021.
  • The primary household maintainer is the person or one of the people in the household responsible for major household payments such as the rent or mortgage. In households with more than one maintainer, the primary maintainer is the first person listed as a maintainer.