Population, Households and Housing Stock


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Manitoba — Mortgages

  With a Mortgage Without a Mortgage Total Private Households With Mortgage Status Known
Manitoba 207,370 133,635 341,000
Brandon 8,710 5,110 13,820
Hanover RM 3,140 970 4,115
Portage la Prairie 2,320 1,350 3,675
Selkirk CY 1,675 980 2,655
St. Andrews RM 2,440 1,740 4,185
Steinbach 2,835 1,380 4,215
Thompson 1,750 745 2,490
Winkler 5,310 3,080 8,385
Winnipeg 138,095 78,270 216,370
  • Mortgage data exclude farm operators.