Population, Households and Housing Stock
Structure Type


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Manitoba — Structure Type

  Single-Detached Semi-Detached Row Duplex Low-Rise Apt. High-Rise Apt. Other Total
Manitoba 344,055 19,635 18,410 7,185 74,870 43,635 10,270 518,055
Brandon 12,080 1,625 935 460 5,220 725 1,240 22,280
Hanover RM 4,330 155 240 45 250 0 120 5,140
Portage la Prairie 3,970 335 105 55 795 285 95 5,645
Selkirk CY 2,710 295 160 20 955 270 10 4,415
St. Andrews RM 4,155 0 0 0 0 45 200 4,405
Steinbach 3,755 290 635 225 1,490 250 185 6,835
Thompson 2,300 430 200 0 1,175 115 460 4,675
Winkler 7,945 1,015 660 55 845 375 460 11,360
Winnipeg 199,155 12,145 12,655 5,440 57,660 41,300 1,970 330,325
  • Where band housing is present, total dwelling counts are larger than the sum of owned and rented dwellings.
  • Other dwellings comprise other single-attached houses, mobile homes, and other movable dwellings.
  • Low-rise refers to apartments in buildings with fewer than 5 storeys
  • High-rise refers to apartments in buildings with 5 or more storeys