Population, Households and Housing Stock
Value of Owner-occupied Dwellings ($)

Dwelling Value

  1. Average
  2. Median

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  2. Historical Time Periods


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Manitoba — Average Value of Owner-occupied Dwellings ($)

  Single-Detached Semi-Detached Row Duplex Low-Rise Apt. High-Rise Apt. Other Total
Manitoba 350,800 274,800 301,600 319,200 243,400 270,800 146,600 337,600
Brandon 328,800 269,000 326,000 288,000 220,000 ** 156,000 307,200
Hanover RM 350,800 330,000 260,000 ** 210,000 ** 110,000 339,600
Portage la Prairie 245,600 240,000 240,000 ** ** ** 140,000 243,800
Selkirk CY 275,600 296,000 320,000 ** 144,000 ** ** 273,600
St. Andrews RM 430,800 ** ** ** ** ** 154,000 417,600
Steinbach 334,400 224,000 286,000 300,000 218,000 ** 127,000 310,400
Thompson 231,400 195,000 154,000 ** ** ** 126,000 213,200
Winkler 349,200 238,000 312,000 280,000 238,000 196,000 163,000 332,000
Winnipeg 394,800 285,600 310,400 332,400 249,200 273,200 189,000 376,800
  • Other dwellings comprise other single-attached houses, mobile homes, and other movable dwellings.
  • Low-rise refers to apartments in buildings with fewer than 5 storeys
  • High-rise refers to apartments in buildings with 5 or more storeys