Population, Households and Housing Stock
Age of Population


  1. Number
  2. Percentage

Age Range

  1. All Households
  2. 65 and over

Display Options:

  1. Metropolitan Major Area
  2. Historical Time Periods


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Saskatchewan — Age of Population (All Age Groups)

  0 - 14 15 - 24 25 - 34 35 - 44 45 - 54 55 - 64 Total 65+ Total
Saskatchewan 220,440 132,690 145,325 150,200 125,900 145,195 183,460 1,103,200
Estevan 2,420 1,425 1,750 1,850 1,480 1,790 1,840 12,555
Lloydminster 8,140 4,685 5,015 6,010 4,475 3,870 3,730 35,920
Moose Jaw 6,190 3,825 4,175 4,675 3,785 4,790 6,720 34,160
North Battleford 3,805 2,385 2,230 2,490 2,000 2,445 3,420 18,785
Prince Albert 9,400 5,825 5,720 5,400 4,700 5,430 6,845 43,325
Regina 47,190 29,990 35,080 37,335 28,870 30,485 35,995 244,950
Saskatoon 60,325 39,935 47,315 46,780 36,080 37,450 43,625 311,515
Swift Current 3,115 2,185 2,250 2,375 2,060 2,555 3,520 18,060
Weyburn 2,335 1,380 1,510 1,620 1,420 1,465 2,090 11,825
Yorkton 3,590 2,320 2,280 2,560 2,340 2,620 3,790 19,505