Population, Households and Housing Stock
Housing Suitability


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  2. Percentage

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Saskatchewan — Housing Suitability

  Suitable Not Suitable (Crowded) Total
Saskatchewan 426,835 22,745 449,580
Estevan 5,195 145 5,340
Lloydminster 13,465 425 13,890
Moose Jaw 14,670 540 15,215
North Battleford 7,475 390 7,865
Prince Albert 15,830 1,230 17,060
Regina 94,520 5,690 100,210
Saskatoon 119,065 6,035 125,105
Swift Current 7,665 285 7,945
Weyburn 4,970 120 5,090
Yorkton 8,075 350 8,425
  • Where band housing is present, total dwelling counts are larger than the sum of owned and rented dwellings.
  • Suitable dwellings have enough bedrooms for the size and make-up of resident households.