Population, Households and Housing Stock


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Saskatchewan — Mortgages

  With a Mortgage Without a Mortgage Total Private Households With Mortgage Status Known
Saskatchewan 172,925 126,455 299,390
Estevan 2,265 1,625 3,885
Lloydminster 6,730 2,705 9,430
Moose Jaw 6,025 4,220 10,250
North Battleford 3,090 2,230 5,320
Prince Albert 6,530 4,275 10,805
Regina 43,125 25,185 68,310
Saskatoon 55,275 29,460 84,735
Swift Current 3,275 2,255 5,530
Weyburn 2,070 1,480 3,545
Yorkton 3,180 2,840 6,025
  • Mortgage data exclude farm operators.