Primary Rental Market
Rental Universe


  1. Bedroom Type
  2. Year of Construction
  3. Structure Size

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  2. Historical Time Periods


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Saskatchewan — Universe by Bedroom Type by Metropolitan Areas, Census Agglomerations and Cities

  Bachelor 1 Bedroom 2 Bedroom 3 Bedroom + Total
Saskatchewan 1,649 14,164 22,640 3,303 41,756
Estevan 13 208 279 28 528
Lloydminster 28 149 631 100 908
Moose Jaw 53 457 691 130 1,331
North Battleford 31 252 465 14 762
Prince Albert 66 643 1,369 376 2,454
Regina 641 5,474 7,791 1,139 15,045
Saskatoon 674 6,158 9,927 1,308 18,067
Swift Current 60 308 541 82 991
Weyburn 13 208 423 41 685
Yorkton 70 307 523 85 985
  • The following letter codes are used to indicate the reliability of the estimates: a — Excellent, b — Very good, c — Good, d — Poor (Use with Caution))
  • ** — Data suppressed to protect confidentiality or data not statistically reliable
  • ++ — Change in rent is not statistically significant. This means that the change in rent is not statistically different than zero (0). (Applies only to % Change of Average Rent Tables).