Seniors' Rental Housing
Universe, Number of Residents Living in Universe and Capture Rate (%)

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Saskatchewan — Historical Seniors' Universe, Number of Residents Living in Universe and Capture Rate (%)

As of January 2023, this data series is now archived, please use the dropdown above or the DISPLAY OPTIONS to select historical data
  Total Number of Spaces Residences Residents Capture Rate (%)
2009 4,561 111 4,872 6.3
2010 4,685 117 4,900 6.3
2011 5,260 141 5,488 7.1
2012 5,531 154 5,692 7.2
2013 5,835 159 5,832 7.3
2014 6,404 168 6,373 8.0
2015 6,478 167 6,426 8.2
2016 6,900 177 6,751 8.5
2017 6,949 176 6,866 8.6
2018 7,580 185 7,136 8.8
2019 7,590 183 7,068 8.7
2020 8,181 195 7,680 9.4
2021 8,323 190 7,154 8.5