New Housing Construction
Unabsorbed Unit Prices ($)

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Alberta — Average, Median and Price Percentiles for Unabsorbed Homeowner and Condominium Units (in Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations with at least 50,000 people)

  1st 20% 2nd 40% 3rd 60% 4th 80% Median Average Units
Alberta 495,000 585,000 680,000 850,000 630,000 711,915 2,000
Calgary 668,000 780,000 887,000 1,100,000 810,000 925,060 573
Edmonton 470,000 550,000 620,000 730,000 580,000 633,091 1,303
Grande Prairie 434,000 520,000 553,000 630,000 530,000 512,950 40
Lethbridge 481,000 510,000 559,000 650,000 525,000 554,635 57
Medicine Hat ** ** ** ** ** ** 7
Red Deer ** ** ** ** ** 699,400 15
Wood Buffalo ** ** ** ** ** ** 5