Core Housing Need
Housing Standards


  1. % of Households in Core Housing Need
  2. Households in Core Housing Need
  3. Households Tested For Core Housing Need

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Canada — Housing Standards (Households Tested for Core Housing Need)

  Below Affordability Standard Below Adequacy Standard Below Suitability Standard Below One or More Housing Standards Above Standards Total
Canada 2,742,920 852,775 766,080 3,985,590 10,369,965 14,355,555
Newfoundland and Labrador 30,070 11,820 3,700 43,015 176,495 219,510
Prince Edward Island 8,995 4,390 1,940 14,270 48,330 62,605
Nova Scotia 66,870 33,315 14,305 104,285 309,030 413,315
New Brunswick 39,425 24,660 8,670 67,710 260,980 328,690
Quebec 542,060 227,320 137,595 840,715 2,812,270 3,652,980
Ontario 1,169,040 296,350 356,545 1,646,175 3,626,180 5,272,355
Manitoba 75,795 31,755 30,940 126,525 356,820 483,350
Saskatchewan 65,425 27,275 18,305 102,475 305,825 408,300
Alberta 306,355 80,255 72,100 423,685 1,134,040 1,557,725
British Columbia 434,385 108,380 116,250 601,810 1,313,945 1,915,755
Yukon Territories 2,470 1,885 875 4,740 11,555 16,295
Northwest Territories 1,580 2,735 1,560 5,175 9,710 14,890
Nunavut 445 2,620 3,295 5,020 4,775 9,790
  • Data include all non-farm, non-band, non-reserve private households reporting positive incomes and shelter cost-to-income ratios less than 100 per cent.
  • A household is in core housing need if its housing does not meet one or more standards for housing adequacy (repair), suitability (crowding), or affordability and if it would have to spend 30 per cent or more of its before-tax income to pay the median rent (including utilities) of appropriately sized alternative local market housing. Adequate housing does not require any major repairs, according to residents. Suitable housing has enough bedrooms for the size and make-up of resident households. Affordable housing costs less than 30 per cent of before-tax household income.
  • Affordable housing costs less than 30 per cent of before-tax household income. Includes households below more than one standard (in addition to the affordability standard). Accordingly, the sum of the number of households below each standard will be larger than the total number of households below standards.
  • Adequate housing does not require any major repairs, according to residents. Includes households below more than one standard (in addition to the adequacy standard). Accordingly, the sum of the number of households below each standard will be larger than the total number of households below standards.
  • Suitable housing has enough bedrooms for the size and make-up of resident households. Includes households below more than one standard (in addition to the suitability standard). Accordingly, the sum of the number of households below each standard will be larger than the total number of households below standards.