New Housing Construction
% of Absorbed Units at Completion (Homeowner + Condo)


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Canada — % of Homeowner and Condominium Units Absorbed at Completion by Intended Market by Census Metropolitan Areas

  Homeowner Condo All
Canada 75.2 % 82.3 % 78.5 %
Abbotsford - Mission 73.3 % 0.0 % 36.1 %
Barrie 86.5 % ** 86.5 %
Belleville - Quinte West 100.0 % ** 100.0 %
Brantford 40.0 % ** 40.0 %
Calgary 74.0 % 87.7 % 79.6 %
Chilliwack 20.0 % 0.0 % 16.7 %
Drummondville 100.0 % ** 100.0 %
Edmonton 50.2 % 48.5 % 50.1 %
Fredericton 90.0 % ** 90.0 %
Gatineau 89.6 % ** 89.6 %
Greater Sudbury / Grand Sudbury 100.0 % ** 100.0 %
Guelph 100.0 % ** 100.0 %
Halifax 83.5 % ** 83.5 %
Hamilton 78.3 % ** 78.3 %
Kamloops 100.0 % 80.0 % 87.0 %
Kelowna 56.5 % ** 56.5 %
Kingston 64.4 % ** 64.4 %
Kitchener - Cambridge - Waterloo 75.0 % 84.4 % 78.7 %
Lethbridge 38.7 % 0.0 % 32.4 %
London 60.3 % 79.6 % 71.7 %
Moncton 88.5 % ** 88.5 %
Montréal 80.3 % 49.0 % 56.0 %
Nanaimo 88.9 % ** 88.9 %
Oshawa 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 %
Ottawa 88.7 % 87.5 % 88.6 %
Peterborough 100.0 % ** 100.0 %
Québec 76.7 % 100.0 % 80.9 %
Red Deer 75.0 % ** 75.0 %
Regina 88.9 % 42.9 % 76.0 %
Saguenay 78.0 % ** 78.0 %
Saint John 100.0 % ** 100.0 %
Saskatoon 76.4 % ** 76.4 %
Sherbrooke 42.9 % ** 42.9 %
St. Catharines - Niagara 86.7 % 67.8 % 75.9 %
St. John's 75.6 % ** 75.6 %
Thunder Bay 100.0 % ** 100.0 %
Toronto 92.2 % 97.5 % 95.6 %
Trois-Rivières 90.9 % ** 90.9 %
Vancouver 58.1 % 87.0 % 81.6 %
Victoria 44.4 % 24.8 % 28.6 %
Windsor 95.1 % ** 95.1 %
Winnipeg 54.0 % 50.0 % 53.7 %