New Housing Construction
Absorbed Unit Prices ($)

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Canada — Average, Median and Price Percentiles for Absorbed Homeowner and Condominium Units by Provinces (in Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations with at least 50,000 people) 1

  1st 20% 2nd 40% 3rd 60% 4th 80% Median Average Units
Canada 525,000 655,000 865,000 1,255,000 750,000 977,406 3,521
Newfoundland and Labrador 350,000 400,000 447,000 550,000 425,000 438,745 94
Prince Edward Island ** ** ** ** ** 465,000 10
Nova Scotia 575,000 645,000 800,000 905,000 690,000 748,183 55
New Brunswick ** ** ** ** ** ** 15
Quebec 360,000 406,000 505,000 719,000 450,000 549,645 282
Ontario 800,000 935,000 1,100,000 1,487,000 1,000,000 1,204,162 1,007
Manitoba 485,000 565,000 625,000 712,000 600,000 638,707 183
Saskatchewan 442,000 500,000 546,000 600,000 510,000 548,274 141
Alberta 525,000 605,000 700,000 840,000 650,000 720,447 1,318
British Columbia 1,247,000 1,650,000 1,990,000 2,586,000 1,800,000 2,010,988 416