New Housing Construction
Under Construction Inventory


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Canada — Under Construction Inventory by Dwelling Type by Census Metropolitan Areas

  Single Semi-Detached Row Apartment All
Canada 30,796 6,528 23,928 287,794 349,046
Abbotsford - Mission 221 48 288 1,534 2,091
Barrie 524 20 649 1,999 3,192
Belleville - Quinte West 225 2 130 170 527
Brantford 153 18 158 257 586
Calgary 4,930 1,722 2,830 14,275 23,757
Chilliwack 210 12 35 634 891
Drummondville 78 36 0 544 658
Edmonton 4,309 814 1,858 8,165 15,146
Fredericton 234 34 110 972 1,350
Gatineau 321 64 59 5,311 5,755
Greater Sudbury / Grand Sudbury 54 18 34 124 230
Guelph 39 6 42 690 777
Halifax 687 212 532 8,941 10,372
Hamilton 321 68 397 5,092 5,878
Kamloops 10 0 20 714 744
Kelowna 402 84 477 5,848 6,811
Kingston 233 48 48 831 1,160
Kitchener - Cambridge - Waterloo 275 38 422 5,428 6,163
Lethbridge 154 10 32 548 744
London 441 48 783 4,760 6,032
Moncton 193 158 272 2,890 3,513
Montréal 718 142 400 26,247 27,507
Nanaimo 140 6 80 746 972
Oshawa 453 56 485 2,982 3,976
Ottawa 1,228 148 1,850 12,373 15,599
Peterborough 98 2 39 75 214
Québec 272 158 34 5,927 6,391
Red Deer 56 4 10 229 299
Regina 293 38 86 977 1,394
Saguenay 119 66 11 691 887
Saint John 179 8 44 687 918
Saskatoon 745 128 298 2,471 3,642
Sherbrooke 223 84 11 979 1,297
St. Catharines - Niagara 938 144 1,180 1,070 3,332
St. John's 362 62 17 155 596
Thunder Bay 122 6 4 222 354
Toronto 5,890 446 6,741 88,966 102,043
Trois-Rivières 102 46 0 1,026 1,174
Vancouver 3,112 1,038 2,380 58,370 64,900
Victoria 360 94 391 7,069 7,914
Windsor 305 124 115 1,286 1,830
Winnipeg 1,067 268 576 5,519 7,430