Population, Households and Housing Stock


  1. Number
  2. Percentage

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Canada — Condominiums

  Part of a Condominium Not Part of a Condominium Total
Canada 2,248,275 12,730,665 14,978,940
Newfoundland and Labrador 5,525 217,730 223,255
Prince Edward Island 1,860 62,710 64,570
Nova Scotia 16,135 412,095 428,225
New Brunswick 13,170 324,480 337,650
Quebec 515,590 3,233,445 3,749,035
Ontario 822,775 4,668,425 5,491,200
Manitoba 41,705 476,350 518,055
Saskatchewan 49,485 400,095 449,580
Alberta 294,875 1,338,340 1,633,220
British Columbia 482,760 1,559,070 2,041,835
Yukon Territories 2,055 15,125 17,180
Northwest Territories 1,540 13,665 15,205
Nunavut 805 9,125 9,930
  • Where band housing is present, total dwelling counts are larger than the sum of owned and rented dwellings.
  • The 2011 Census did not identify rented condominiums. Therefore, data for 2011 include only owner-occupied condominiums.