Population, Households and Housing Stock
Mobility of Primary Household Maintainer


  1. Number
  2. Percentage

Time Period

  1. Previous 5 Years
  2. Previous Year

Age Range

  1. All Households
  2. 65 and over

Display Options:

  1. Province
  2. Historical Time Periods


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Canada — Primary Household Maintainers Who Moved in the Previous Year (All Households)

  15 - 24 25 - 34 35 - 44 45 - 54 55 - 64 Total 65+ Total
Canada 224,550 594,190 363,585 223,805 191,160 184,705 1,782,000
Newfoundland and Labrador 3,115 5,880 3,485 2,540 2,235 2,130 19,380
Prince Edward Island 1,370 2,035 1,235 940 990 1,075 7,645
Nova Scotia 7,960 15,155 8,105 5,560 5,650 6,060 48,490
New Brunswick 5,595 9,585 5,850 4,840 4,365 4,975 35,210
Quebec 59,450 136,615 83,400 53,505 49,530 51,100 433,600
Ontario 66,120 217,775 129,960 77,605 63,920 59,500 614,885
Manitoba 10,400 20,550 11,950 7,010 5,880 6,560 62,350
Saskatchewan 9,355 17,030 10,835 6,355 5,155 5,570 54,290
Alberta 29,625 74,110 47,185 27,255 20,575 17,380 216,130
British Columbia 31,000 93,445 60,290 37,350 32,220 30,010 284,330
Yukon Territories 230 900 520 240 250 220 2,360
Northwest Territories 245 720 515 370 255 90 2,185
Nunavut 80 395 265 245 135 30 1,150
  • Where band housing is present, total dwelling counts are larger than the sum of owned and rented dwellings.
  • The primary household maintainer is the person or one of the people in the household responsible for major household payments such as the rent or mortgage. In households with more than one maintainer, the primary maintainer is the first person listed as a maintainer.