Population, Households and Housing Stock
Shelter Costs


  1. Number
  2. Percentage


  1. Ranges
  2. Average and Median

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Canada — Monthly Shelter Costs - Ranges

  Less Than $500 Per Month $500 to $999 Per Month $1,000 to $1,499 Per Month $1,500 to $1,999 Per Month $2,000 And Over Per Month Total Non-Farm, Non-Band Households
Canada 1,916,195 4,391,370 3,068,455 2,259,550 3,159,370 14,794,945
Newfoundland and Labrador 64,505 70,925 39,730 26,665 20,790 222,605
Prince Edward Island 13,670 22,535 15,260 7,850 4,450 63,760
Nova Scotia 89,160 138,010 100,130 57,630 38,970 423,900
New Brunswick 88,285 123,965 73,975 30,645 17,150 334,025
Quebec 675,185 1,431,720 833,425 448,535 337,530 3,726,390
Ontario 439,635 1,446,410 1,080,390 911,580 1,569,960 5,447,975
Manitoba 86,770 142,160 130,015 79,830 58,445 497,225
Saskatchewan 58,465 136,210 92,175 66,510 64,170 417,520
Alberta 113,865 396,285 327,550 300,605 458,915 1,597,220
British Columbia 277,655 475,075 369,175 323,360 577,450 2,022,710
Yukon Territories 2,370 4,120 2,780 2,385 4,875 16,530
Northwest Territories 2,240 2,645 2,370 2,805 5,095 15,155
Nunavut 4,385 1,325 1,470 1,155 1,590 9,930
  • Statistics Canada does not collect shelter cost data for farm households or for households living in band housing. For renters, shelter costs include, as applicable, rent and payments for electricity, fuel, water and other municipal services. For owners, shelter costs include, as applicable, mortgage payments (principal and interest), property taxes, condominium fees, and payments for electricity, fuel, water and other municipal services.