Core Housing Need
Income, Shelter Cost and STIR


  1. Households in Core Housing Need
  2. Households Tested For Core Housing Need


  1. Income and Shelter Costs ($)
  2. Shelter-Cost-to-Income-Ratio (STIR) (%)

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  2. Neighbourhood
  3. Census Tract
  4. Historical Time Periods


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Calgary — Incomes and Shelter Costs (Households in Core Housing Need)

  Average Household Income Before Taxes Average Monthly Shelter Costs Median Household Income Before Taxes Median Monthly Shelter Costs
Calgary 32,920 1,316 31,000 1,230
0001.01 34,000 1,460 31,800 1,460
0001.02 31,200 1,400 29,400 1,300
0001.04 34,000 1,480 32,400 1,500
0001.05 34,000 1,200 ** **
0001.06 30,000 1,480 27,400 1,170
0001.07 31,800 1,290 29,400 1,220
0001.08 31,000 1,280 29,200 1,200
0001.09 34,400 1,320 34,400 1,210
0001.10 31,000 1,080 26,400 1,080
0001.11 36,000 1,580 34,000 1,410
0001.13 35,000 1,260 32,000 1,350
0001.14 33,000 1,280 34,000 1,250
0001.17 38,000 1,560 36,000 1,210
0001.22 29,000 1,520 26,000 1,840
0001.23 40,000 1,600 36,400 1,740
0001.25 31,400 1,340 29,200 1,410
0001.28 42,000 1,360 42,000 1,450
0001.29 37,000 1,650 31,000 1,960
0001.30 35,500 1,460 36,400 1,490
0001.32 38,000 1,760 40,800 1,760
0001.33 28,000 1,400 ** **
0001.35 37,000 1,650 39,200 1,660
0001.37 32,400 1,360 29,200 1,300
0001.38 34,000 1,500 32,000 1,510
0001.39 38,000 1,540 38,000 1,410
0002.04 28,000 1,200 ** **
0002.06 32,000 1,500 27,800 1,380
0002.07 29,000 1,160 28,200 1,030
0002.08 30,400 1,400 28,200 1,410
0002.09 32,000 1,440 31,600 1,720
0002.10 35,000 1,650 33,600 1,450
0002.11 30,000 1,200 ** **
0002.12 36,000 1,600 32,800 1,700
0002.14 30,000 1,440 31,000 1,320
0002.15 34,000 1,560 34,000 1,680
0002.17 31,000 1,280 27,800 1,150
0002.18 37,000 1,720 41,600 1,700
0002.22 32,000 1,460 29,800 1,350
0003.00 30,000 1,400 27,600 1,490
0004.00 34,000 1,360 32,400 1,110
0005.00 28,400 1,060 25,600 970
0006.00 34,600 1,300 32,400 1,270
0007.01 34,000 1,320 31,000 1,300
0007.02 35,600 1,320 33,600 1,260
0007.03 32,000 1,360 28,200 1,410
0008.00 34,000 1,500 39,600 1,640
0009.00 31,000 1,230 29,200 1,120
0010.00 30,600 1,174 30,200 1,200
0011.00 33,500 1,500 36,400 1,480
0012.00 28,600 1,090 26,000 1,100
0013.00 30,300 1,108 28,000 1,050
0014.00 31,600 1,150 30,200 1,090
0015.00 30,000 1,400 25,400 1,400
0016.00 30,400 1,290 28,600 1,200
0017.01 34,400 1,250 30,000 1,270
0017.03 29,400 1,108 28,000 1,100
0017.04 29,200 1,360 28,400 1,230
0017.05 29,600 1,240 25,800 920
0017.06 32,500 1,420 33,200 1,250
0019.00 32,400 1,170 30,200 1,100
0020.00 31,000 1,140 26,600 1,100
0023.00 31,000 1,400 31,000 1,000
0024.00 29,700 1,176 29,600 1,050
0025.00 29,800 1,148 28,800 1,040
0026.00 29,000 1,052 29,200 1,050
0028.00 33,000 1,460 35,200 1,230
0029.00 29,600 1,156 27,000 1,080
0030.00 29,200 1,064 27,200 1,090
0032.00 28,800 1,140 29,400 950
0033.01 33,200 1,170 31,600 1,240
0033.02 32,800 1,240 30,400 1,150
0034.00 29,400 1,076 29,000 990
0035.01 29,100 1,032 26,000 910
0035.02 30,800 1,100 27,400 1,030
0036.01 30,600 1,160 26,400 1,110
0036.02 31,800 1,280 31,000 1,270
0037.00 31,200 1,168 28,400 1,160
0038.02 35,200 1,380 34,800 1,260
0038.03 30,600 1,260 27,600 1,160
0038.04 36,400 1,360 34,000 1,300
0038.05 35,200 1,400 30,000 1,340
0038.06 38,800 1,370 41,600 1,400
0038.07 32,000 1,320 28,400 1,400
0038.08 33,600 1,260 33,200 1,100
0038.10 35,600 1,410 32,800 1,350
0038.11 39,600 1,270 38,800 1,240
0038.12 32,000 1,260 28,600 1,210
0038.13 34,500 1,320 32,800 1,300
0038.14 37,600 1,400 38,000 1,360
0038.15 37,200 1,370 36,000 1,350
0038.17 38,000 1,410 35,600 1,350
0038.18 37,600 1,570 36,000 1,410
0038.20 32,400 1,260 32,400 1,240
0038.21 34,800 1,295 34,000 1,290
0038.22 36,400 1,350 32,800 1,300
0038.23 36,400 1,220 33,200 1,170
0038.24 42,000 1,520 38,800 1,520
0038.25 37,000 1,340 35,600 1,460
0038.27 39,500 1,680 36,800 1,840
0038.28 41,000 1,320 40,400 1,250
0038.30 42,400 1,490 43,200 1,570
0039.00 32,800 1,124 30,200 1,110
0040.00 33,600 1,196 30,400 1,190
0041.00 28,750 1,014 26,400 980
0043.00 28,800 1,066 26,600 1,000
0044.00 28,700 1,192 28,400 1,160
0046.01 30,750 1,210 30,200 1,130
0046.02 28,600 1,076 27,000 990
0047.00 32,000 1,140 29,800 1,070
0048.00 31,900 1,116 29,800 1,060
0049.01 30,400 1,320 32,000 1,250
0050.01 31,200 1,060 26,400 970
0050.07 31,400 1,180 28,400 1,150
0050.10 35,500 1,720 32,800 1,800
0050.12 33,500 1,540 30,000 1,410
0050.13 33,500 1,320 32,800 1,170
0050.14 32,000 1,500 30,400 1,500
0051.00 27,100 1,016 24,800 950
0052.01 32,400 1,350 29,000 1,130
0052.02 36,000 ** ** **
0052.03 28,800 1,200 26,000 970
0052.04 29,800 1,240 29,000 1,200
0052.06 29,000 1,240 28,200 870
0052.07 33,000 1,480 34,400 1,230
0052.09 38,000 1,600 37,200 1,640
0052.10 31,200 1,280 31,000 1,330
0052.11 36,000 1,700 41,600 1,980
0052.12 32,000 1,600 ** **
0053.00 31,400 1,270 29,200 1,230
0054.00 30,600 1,190 26,600 960
0055.00 27,200 1,200 28,200 930
0056.00 30,600 1,210 27,200 1,050
0057.00 29,200 976 27,600 920
0058.00 30,800 1,164 30,400 1,050
0059.00 29,300 1,096 28,800 1,010
0060.00 29,200 1,270 26,800 1,200
0061.00 31,000 1,080 25,800 950
0062.00 27,600 1,070 24,600 990
0063.00 30,200 1,140 28,800 1,140
0064.00 28,900 1,140 25,400 1,050
0065.00 28,400 1,140 25,400 990
0066.02 30,400 1,220 29,000 1,200
0067.00 34,500 1,340 32,000 1,330
0068.00 26,000 1,100 23,200 **
0069.00 25,000 1,040 22,000 900
0070.00 28,400 1,180 30,400 1,110
0071.00 37,500 1,400 34,000 1,300
0072.00 30,100 1,144 28,600 1,050
0073.00 28,000 1,070 26,200 1,090
0074.00 31,600 1,300 32,000 1,000
0075.01 34,800 1,440 32,400 1,270
0075.02 33,200 1,330 30,800 1,330
0076.01 34,000 1,200 29,800 980
0076.02 35,600 1,190 32,800 1,130
0076.03 33,600 1,150 30,600 920
0076.04 34,800 1,260 30,600 1,200
0076.05 33,200 1,200 30,600 1,240
0076.06 36,000 1,380 36,000 1,410
0076.09 37,500 1,400 38,800 1,430
0076.13 36,800 1,510 34,800 1,410
0076.14 36,000 1,280 37,600 1,390
0076.15 36,000 1,180 36,400 1,100
0076.19 42,000 1,950 40,400 2,140
0076.20 38,000 1,760 36,400 1,780
0076.23 37,000 1,500 37,200 1,820
0076.24 38,500 1,600 37,200 1,800
0077.01 36,000 1,600 38,000 1,620
0077.02 31,200 1,190 28,000 1,080
0077.03 30,000 1,360 29,600 1,280
0077.04 35,200 1,250 33,200 1,280
0077.06 34,500 1,440 28,600 1,350
0077.13 32,000 1,300 ** **
0077.14 38,000 1,650 42,800 1,780
0077.16 36,000 1,440 37,600 1,320
0077.17 37,500 1,360 37,200 1,350
0077.19 37,500 1,580 36,400 1,370
0077.20 41,000 1,840 40,400 1,840
0077.21 31,600 1,220 28,000 1,200
0077.22 40,000 2,200 38,400 2,120
0077.23 35,000 1,480 30,400 1,500
0077.24 33,000 1,600 34,800 1,530
0077.25 32,400 1,530 29,600 1,480
0077.26 34,500 1,640 36,000 1,700
0077.27 32,500 1,420 30,800 1,300
0077.28 35,000 1,600 30,800 1,740
0077.30 39,000 1,680 36,800 1,900
0077.31 34,000 1,440 34,800 1,150
0077.32 31,000 1,650 29,200 1,880
0200.03 34,000 1,100 ** 1,160
0200.06 29,000 1,400 30,600 1,500
0201.02 27,000 1,160 24,400 970
0204.03 30,000 1,380 27,600 1,180
0205.02 33,500 1,400 32,000 1,400
0206.02 30,400 1,260 27,000 1,200
0206.05 34,400 1,260 32,400 1,220
0206.06 39,500 2,120 36,800 2,100
0206.07 36,800 1,510 34,800 1,350
0206.08 38,500 1,840 39,600 1,920
0206.09 36,400 1,640 35,200 1,500
0206.10 35,000 1,580 31,600 1,640
0206.11 38,500 1,680 40,000 1,640
0207.01 34,500 1,640 29,600 1,700
0207.03 33,200 1,330 31,600 1,360
0207.04 46,000 1,950 44,000 2,000
  • Data include all non-farm, non-band, non-reserve private households reporting positive incomes and shelter cost-to-income ratios less than 100 per cent.
  • A household is in core housing need if its housing does not meet one or more standards for housing adequacy (repair), suitability (crowding), or affordability and if it would have to spend 30 per cent or more of its before-tax income to pay the median rent (including utilities) of appropriately sized alternative local market housing. Adequate housing does not require any major repairs, according to residents. Suitable housing has enough bedrooms for the size and make-up of resident households. Affordable housing costs less than 30 per cent of before-tax household income.
  • For renters, shelter costs include, as applicable, rent and payments for electricity, fuel, water and other municipal services. For owners, shelter costs include, as applicable, mortgage payments (principal and interest), property taxes, condominium fees, and payments for electricity, fuel, water and other municipal services.
  • STIR = Shelter-cost-to-income ratio (based on annual shelter costs and household income before taxes).