New Housing Construction
Absorbed Unit Prices ($)

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Calgary — Average, Median and Price Percentiles for Absorbed Homeowner and Condominium Units by Zone

  1st 20% 2nd 40% 3rd 60% 4th 80% Median Average Units
Calgary 600,000 680,000 780,000 937,000 740,000 812,989 537
Downtown ** ** ** ** ** ** 0
Beltline ** ** ** ** ** ** 1
North Hill ** ** ** ** ** ** 6
Southwest ** ** ** ** ** 1,338,199 25
Southeast 603,000 661,000 765,000 844,000 745,000 746,942 67
Northwest 605,000 713,000 802,000 906,000 755,000 787,644 108
Northeast 677,000 708,000 756,000 842,000 730,000 745,259 51
Chinook ** ** ** ** ** ** 2
Fish Creek 680,000 768,000 800,000 890,000 787,500 788,367 72
Other Centres 570,000 625,000 733,000 900,000 655,000 783,033 205
  • CMA, CA and CSD definitions are based on 2021 Census Geography Definitions