New Housing Construction
Under Construction Inventory


  1. Dwelling Types
  2. Intended Markets

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  2. Census Subdivisions
  3. Neighbourhoods
  4. Census Tracts
  5. Historical Time Periods


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Calgary — Under Construction Inventory by Intended Market by Zone

  Unknown Homeowner Rental Condo Co-Op All
Calgary 0 7,804 7,485 8,468 0 23,757
Downtown 0 9 308 211 0 528
Beltline 0 14 240 294 0 548
North Hill 0 194 222 281 0 697
Southwest 0 670 1,307 2,009 0 3,986
Southeast 0 1,032 780 1,555 0 3,367
Northwest 0 1,725 2,739 1,305 0 5,769
Northeast 0 717 480 827 0 2,024
Chinook 0 54 668 135 0 857
Fish Creek 0 1,250 447 1,269 0 2,966
Other Centres 0 2,139 294 582 0 3,015
  • CMA, CA and CSD definitions are based on 2021 Census Geography Definitions