Population, Households and Housing Stock
Household Size


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  2. Percentage

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Calgary — Household Size

  One-Person Household Two-Person Household Three-Person Household Four-Person Household Five-Or-More-Person Household Total
Calgary 143,215 180,700 90,155 91,625 57,740 563,440
Downtown 8,095 4,805 1,215 605 180 14,895
Beltline 14,905 7,805 1,385 700 225 25,025
North Hill 8,905 7,505 2,315 2,050 715 21,490
Southwest 17,705 21,035 9,890 10,975 5,005 64,610
Southeast 17,570 24,830 13,395 13,370 7,780 76,945
Northwest 31,915 45,485 24,610 25,310 14,520 141,835
Northeast 10,660 15,900 11,295 11,490 13,810 63,150
Chinook 4,285 4,085 1,550 1,270 530 11,725
Fish Creek 18,685 28,510 14,310 13,845 7,270 82,625
Other Centres 10,490 20,740 10,185 12,010 7,705 61,135
  • Where band housing is present, total dwelling counts are larger than the sum of owned and rented dwellings.