Population, Households and Housing Stock
Shelter Costs


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  2. Average and Median

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Calgary — Monthly Shelter Costs - Average and Median ($)

  Average Monthly Shelter Costs Median Monthly Shelter Costs
Calgary 1,694 1,550
0001.01 1,490 1,410
0001.02 1,744 1,250
0001.03 1,544 1,440
0001.04 1,462 1,490
0001.05 1,756 1,570
0001.06 1,488 950
0001.07 1,476 1,450
0001.08 1,392 1,300
0001.09 1,486 1,270
0001.10 1,512 1,520
0001.11 1,522 1,450
0001.13 1,542 1,620
0001.14 1,800 1,460
0001.17 1,544 1,160
0001.22 1,656 1,700
0001.23 1,556 1,120
0001.25 1,516 1,540
0001.28 1,482 1,580
0001.29 1,662 1,760
0001.30 1,694 1,860
0001.32 1,856 2,000
0001.33 2,116 2,140
0001.35 1,958 2,040
0001.37 1,626 1,660
0001.38 1,740 1,840
0001.39 1,740 1,800
0002.04 1,230 850
0002.06 1,554 1,060
0002.07 1,524 1,380
0002.08 1,522 1,660
0002.09 1,774 1,740
0002.10 1,834 1,740
0002.11 1,764 1,220
0002.12 1,688 1,840
0002.14 1,798 1,700
0002.15 1,716 1,840
0002.17 1,612 1,560
0002.18 1,910 1,940
0002.22 1,808 1,900
0003.00 1,560 1,460
0004.00 1,540 1,100
0005.00 1,460 1,400
0006.00 1,438 1,340
0007.01 1,426 1,390
0007.02 1,442 1,430
0007.03 1,606 1,410
0008.00 1,540 1,570
0009.00 1,372 1,250
0010.00 1,298 1,250
0011.00 1,526 1,500
0012.00 1,420 1,330
0013.00 1,336 1,210
0014.00 1,934 1,300
0015.00 1,968 1,520
0016.00 1,670 1,380
0017.01 1,452 1,330
0017.03 1,386 1,350
0017.04 1,444 1,110
0017.05 1,620 1,060
0017.06 1,670 1,150
0019.00 1,576 1,320
0020.00 1,850 1,540
0023.00 2,696 2,160
0024.00 1,894 1,530
0025.00 1,760 1,350
0026.00 1,364 1,200
0028.00 2,616 1,740
0029.00 1,800 1,310
0030.00 1,592 1,300
0032.00 1,572 1,390
0033.01 1,352 1,310
0033.02 1,322 1,280
0034.00 1,634 1,530
0035.01 1,244 1,170
0035.02 1,292 1,200
0036.01 1,188 1,200
0036.02 1,245 1,210
0037.00 1,243 1,200
0038.02 1,376 1,390
0038.03 1,324 1,260
0038.04 1,306 1,300
0038.05 1,300 1,300
0038.06 1,308 1,370
0038.07 1,346 1,400
0038.08 1,386 1,420
0038.10 1,338 1,300
0038.11 1,300 1,340
0038.12 1,366 1,390
0038.13 1,290 1,320
0038.14 1,428 1,450
0038.15 1,348 1,320
0038.17 1,388 1,450
0038.18 1,488 1,500
0038.20 1,432 1,390
0038.21 1,180 1,200
0038.22 1,306 1,100
0038.23 1,278 1,210
0038.24 1,620 1,700
0038.25 1,350 1,380
0038.27 1,728 1,720
0038.28 1,432 1,430
0038.30 1,600 1,640
0039.00 1,270 1,260
0040.00 1,276 1,200
0041.00 1,600 1,400
0043.00 1,562 1,250
0044.00 1,504 1,420
0046.01 1,430 1,300
0046.02 1,498 1,130
0047.00 1,498 1,250
0048.00 1,588 1,370
0049.01 1,558 1,260
0050.01 1,328 1,230
0050.07 1,236 1,140
0050.10 2,248 2,220
0050.12 2,312 1,860
0050.13 2,216 1,920
0050.14 2,042 1,660
0051.00 1,438 1,210
0052.01 1,392 1,120
0052.02 1,528 1,410
0052.03 1,518 1,070
0052.04 1,408 1,190
0052.06 1,434 940
0052.07 1,584 1,100
0052.09 2,018 2,080
0052.10 1,730 1,740
0052.11 1,826 1,960
0052.12 2,272 2,180
0053.00 1,660 1,500
0054.00 2,024 1,600
0055.00 2,212 1,560
0056.00 1,902 1,520
0057.00 1,714 1,280
0058.00 1,670 1,300
0059.00 1,508 1,250
0060.00 1,630 1,450
0061.00 1,356 1,290
0062.00 1,744 1,500
0063.00 1,724 1,500
0064.00 1,584 1,300
0065.00 1,508 1,250
0066.02 1,384 1,240
0067.00 1,364 1,340
0068.00 1,692 1,400
0069.00 1,608 1,430
0070.00 1,524 1,160
0071.00 1,670 1,410
0072.00 1,498 1,250
0073.00 1,218 1,130
0074.00 1,474 1,230
0075.01 1,324 1,210
0075.02 1,352 1,380
0076.01 1,328 1,210
0076.02 1,286 1,280
0076.03 1,332 1,000
0076.04 1,314 1,260
0076.05 1,376 1,320
0076.06 1,376 1,420
0076.09 1,464 1,590
0076.13 1,682 1,740
0076.14 1,356 1,160
0076.15 1,388 1,470
0076.19 1,692 1,520
0076.20 1,540 1,580
0076.23 1,822 1,920
0076.24 1,682 1,840
0077.01 1,568 1,520
0077.02 1,294 1,150
0077.03 1,432 1,140
0077.04 1,396 1,350
0077.06 1,494 1,090
0077.13 1,432 950
0077.14 1,520 1,550
0077.16 1,494 930
0077.17 1,472 1,350
0077.19 1,312 1,000
0077.20 1,680 1,860
0077.21 1,412 1,350
0077.22 1,648 1,410
0077.23 1,698 1,800
0077.24 1,638 1,720
0077.25 1,820 1,700
0077.26 1,892 1,960
0077.27 1,588 1,460
0077.28 2,208 2,120
0077.30 2,000 2,160
0077.31 1,540 1,020
0077.32 1,650 1,150
0200.03 2,020 1,700
0200.06 2,620 1,680
0201.02 1,824 1,300
0204.03 1,834 1,300
0205.02 1,402 1,350
0206.02 1,432 1,490
0206.05 1,460 1,390
0206.06 2,232 2,280
0206.07 1,676 1,740
0206.08 2,224 2,240
0206.09 1,960 1,940
0206.10 1,900 1,960
0206.11 1,912 2,000
0207.01 1,584 1,660
0207.03 1,562 1,540
0207.04 2,238 2,280
  • Statistics Canada does not collect shelter cost data for farm households or for households living in band housing. For renters, shelter costs include, as applicable, rent and payments for electricity, fuel, water and other municipal services. For owners, shelter costs include, as applicable, mortgage payments (principal and interest), property taxes, condominium fees, and payments for electricity, fuel, water and other municipal services.