Population, Households and Housing Stock
Shelter Costs


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  2. Percentage


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  2. Average and Median

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Calgary — Monthly Shelter Costs - Ranges

  Less Than $500 Per Month $500 to $999 Per Month $1,000 to $1,499 Per Month $1,500 to $1,999 Per Month $2,000 And Over Per Month Total Non-Farm, Non-Band Households
Calgary 29,265 126,075 113,065 109,240 185,130 562,780
Downtown 720 3,085 5,820 2,730 2,540 14,895
Beltline 625 4,750 9,770 6,075 3,805 25,025
North Hill 890 5,485 5,520 3,510 6,085 21,490
Southwest 2,385 16,385 12,675 9,010 24,155 64,610
Southeast 4,580 13,955 13,665 16,870 27,870 76,945
Northwest 7,575 36,880 24,445 26,250 46,685 141,830
Northeast 4,940 11,310 13,660 15,610 17,635 63,150
Chinook 445 2,975 3,745 1,670 2,885 11,725
Fish Creek 4,190 20,550 14,995 15,640 27,245 82,625
Other Centres 2,915 10,700 8,770 11,875 26,230 60,485
  • Statistics Canada does not collect shelter cost data for farm households or for households living in band housing. For renters, shelter costs include, as applicable, rent and payments for electricity, fuel, water and other municipal services. For owners, shelter costs include, as applicable, mortgage payments (principal and interest), property taxes, condominium fees, and payments for electricity, fuel, water and other municipal services.