Primary Rental Market
Rental Universe


  1. Bedroom Type
  2. Year of Construction
  3. Structure Size

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  1. Survey Zones
  2. Census Subdivisions
  3. Neighbourhoods
  4. Census Tracts
  5. Historical Time Periods


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Calgary — Historical Universe by Year of Construction

  Before 1960 1960 - 1979 1980 - 1999 2000 or Later Total
1990 October 4,342 37,297 13,621 ** 55,260
1991 October 4,348 36,737 13,434 ** 54,519
1992 October 3,498 39,280 13,627 ** 56,405
1993 October 3,494 38,554 12,899 ** 54,947
1994 October 3,476 37,292 17,229 ** 57,997
1995 October 3,459 36,586 14,957 ** 55,002
1996 October 3,645 36,108 14,823 ** 54,576
1997 October 3,612 35,979 14,148 ** 53,739
1998 October 3,582 35,476 13,466 ** 52,524
1999 October 3,540 34,951 13,278 ** 51,769
2000 October 3,041 34,810 12,922 6 50,779
2001 October 3,242 34,561 12,008 68 49,879
2002 October 3,231 33,734 11,389 94 48,448
2003 October 3,206 33,605 11,207 430 48,448
2004 October 3,046 32,635 10,751 701 47,133
2005 October 2,934 32,291 10,164 786 46,175
2006 October 2,945 31,279 9,749 873 44,846
2007 October 2,868 29,725 8,796 883 42,272
2008 October 2,739 28,724 8,526 877 40,866
2009 October 2,662 28,227 8,422 880 40,191
2010 October 2,701 27,605 8,236 866 39,408
2011 October 2,638 27,037 8,119 863 38,657
2012 October 2,544 26,689 8,047 810 38,090
2013 October 2,450 26,535 7,994 849 37,828
2014 October 2,446 26,313 7,953 1,582 38,294
2015 October 2,541 26,425 7,884 2,337 39,187
2016 October 2,546 26,301 7,827 3,866 40,540
2017 October 2,541 26,358 7,784 5,514 42,197
2018 October 2,657 25,989 7,801 6,945 43,392
2019 October 2,661 25,928 7,856 8,085 44,530
2020 October 2,835 25,977 7,726 9,344 45,882
2021 October 2,846 26,202 7,692 12,297 49,037
2022 October 2,806 25,974 7,475 16,388 52,643
2023 October 2,795 26,345 7,546 19,173 55,859