Seniors' Rental Housing
Spaces by Unit Type

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Calgary — Historical Seniors' Spaces by Unit Type

  Standard Non-Standard Unknown Total
2009 2,677 524 - 3,201
2010 2,748 510 - 3,258
2011 2,648 649 - 3,297
2012 2,664 608 - 3,272
2013 2,720 701 - 3,421
2014 2,617 545 288 3,450
2015 2,747 796 102 3,645
2016 2,834 707 482 4,023
2017 2,933 744 454 4,131
2018 3,430 852 455 4,737
2019 3,573 678 627 4,878
2020 3,979 814 502 5,295
2021 4,607 1,202 - 5,809